Lestes plagiatus
Face: dark grey, but labrum greenish blue. Head above dark grey, merging into blue, and finally to deep yellow on occiput.
Eyes: bright sky blue above, greyish green below.
Prothorax: yellow anteriorly, then dark grey with heavy pruinescence posteriorly.
Synthorax: strongly striped dark grey, straw yellow and some blue, with pruinescence below. Area between wing bases heavily
Wings: clear, becoming slightly smoky in old individuals.
Pterostigmas: dark brown.
Abdomen: metallic green, becoming bluish grey with age. S9-10 pruinescent whitish grey. This species varies much with age. Bright metallic green when young, then becoming dull metallic green. Old individuals are dark greyish blue with much pruinescence.
Female: mostly brown and green. Eyes with trace of blue but browner than male. Thorax strongly striped light and dark brown, with thin metallic stripe on side. Abdomen mostly dull metallic green.